Nichole Addario DiModica | Primerica

Tell us about YOU!!  Nichole, a North Shore of MA native, currently resides in Saugus. She is currently licensed in Massachusetts with other state licenses to follow soon. Apart from her professional life, Nichole cherishes her role as a mother to three incredible children – Sebastiano, Valentino, and Lola. Nichole is a natural born protector, helper and servant leader and leveraging her extensive background in law, operations, and corporate business to deliver protection and planning for her clients at every turn of life. With Primerica, she realized that her clients often come without awareness that they need her services. Nichole loves helping people with their family’s future, legacy and finances, because money it’s the #1 thing people stress and worry about and it bleeds into every area of their life, so, if we can help solve for this, it solves a lot of issues for people and their families. Plus, as an entrepreneur she loves working for myself to be the kind of mother she wants to be. With a simple 3 step approach, she begins the education process of looking at life insurance needs, talking through the right type and amounts.  Next, she educates people on how to pay off their debt (e.g. credit cards, student loans, car payments, mortgages, etc) more quickly and with less money. And finally, now that a solid financial foundation is in place, we can talk about investments. Some really surprising information is that: Approximately 80% of people do NOT have any life insurance OR, the right type or amount of life insurance in place to protect their family…all the while we insure our cars, our homes and even our cell phones…but not our own lives. A whole life policy that you are sold most likely has a cap on what you can earn on those savings that is BELOW what you COULD be making if that money were in a traditional investment account. The Insurance Company keeps any interest above that cap for themselves! (Not cool, not good for my clients).

What makes you different/stand out in your industry?  My personal story coupled with a broad scope of general business experience spanning 30+ years culminate here in the world of financial services to educate and inspire families to think beyond the week to week paycheck and step into a future of true financial freedom.

What do your clients love about you?  That I am well versed in many areas of business so I am almost always able to answer their questions about other industries.

What is the best advice you can share with others?  The current economic climate and inflation rate is potentially going to debilitate and further separate an entire generation as wages are not keeping pace with inflation. This is the first time in history that we are facing this very serious issue and people need financial education now more than ever.

How has the Women’s Business League helped you?  WBL has always been a safe place for me both personally and in business as I have needed to transform myself and my career over the past several years.

Picture of Nichole Addario DiModica

Nichole Addario DiModica
