Stefani Sellers | Ease Manual Therapy

Tell us about YOU!!  I’m a Board Certified Medical Massage therapist who specializes in treating orthopedic conditions such as migraines and carpal tunnel, through a slow, thorough, and un-rushed approach. I focus on working WITH my clients through open communication and active participation in their sessions.

What makes you different/stand out in your industry?  My approach and the quality of care.

What do your clients love about you?  They feel empowered through the work we do together and the knowledge I share with them.

What is the best advice you can share with others?  Helping others doesn’t mean sacrificing yourself, set firm boundaries and stick to them.

How has the Women’s Business League helped you?  It has helped me expand my network of Badass women who are all working to shatter glass ceilings in their respective fields and who empower one another. Having a woman powered positive space is crucial in this world and I’m so glad to have found it in WBL!

Picture of Stefani Sellers

Stefani Sellers

Ease Manual Therapy