Marketing Your Business for Real Results

Marketing can be one of the most powerful tools for growing your business, but without a strategy you might just find yourself falling short of your business goals. Just like Bethany Fiocchi Root, owner of Oceanview Marketing and fellow WBL member knows, without a strategy it can be difficult to turn your efforts into measurable results. Whether you’re starting from scratch or reevaluating your current approach, here’s some helpful tips to help you avoid some common marketing pitfalls and set you, and your business, up for success.

One of the biggest mistakes in marketing you can make we’ve already mentioned above, starting without a strategy. So many individuals jump into marketing without having a clear plan. Many entrepreneurs feel pressured to just try everything and throw scattered effort into every aspect of marketing and then they’re surprised (and frustrated) when they aren’t seeing results. Instead of jumping into everything headfirst it’s important to start with some clarity. Define your goal: where do you want to be in 6-12 months, identify the products or services that will help you reach those goals, and then focus in on a few key strategies that will help you attain those goals for the next 3-6 months. By narrowing your focus, you’ll avoid spreading yourself too thin. Remember, it’s better to excite one or two initiatives that have been well researched and planned out than to half-heartedly try out a dozen. This will cut down on both marketing fatigue and frustration when it comes to seeing that return on your investment (both time and financial).

Another challenge many face when it comes to their marketing is either not investing in your marketing early on or investing your marketing budget on the wrong avenues. Many businesses, especially when they’re just starting out, tend to invest in their marketing piecemeal, one person is doing social media management, another is doing SEO, and another company is handling email marketing. While it can feel productive to have all of the helping hands, without a cohesive strategy you’re probably not going to see the results you’re hoping for. To make your marketing spend more effective you’re going to want to establish a strong foundation for your brand. Make sure you have a clear approach, cohesive messaging, and know exactly who your target audience is. Once you have that clarity, direct your budget towards efforts that align with your goals. It’s also important to know where you’re sending people. Is it to your email list? Sales page? If you have great posts but people don’t know where to go from there, you reach ends there. 

So if you’re just starting out in your marketing journey here are a few ways you can jumpstart your efforts:

  1. Define your Goals: Think about where you want your business to be in the next 6-12 months. What goals will have the most impact in the long term? Having a clear objective will guide your decisions and help you focus in on what matters most.
  2. Assess what’s working: If you’ve already taken some steps with your marketing, take some time to analyze what’s getting you results. Treat one of your ideal clients out to coffee and ask them how they feel about your products/services, pricing, and messaging. They might just be able to give you the clarity you’ve been looking for. It’s incredible how many golden nuggets can be found during these meetings.
  3. Work with a marketing professional: While it’s completely possible for you to accomplish all of your marketing goals on your own, working with a designated professional can help you strategize, identify gaps, and refine your messaging. Having someone to bounce ideas off of ensures you’re not tackling everything alone and can bring a fresh perspective to your marketing.

While marketing can feel overwhelming to many it doesn’t have to be. When you start with a strong strategy where your focus is on creating a strong foundation for your business, you can build a marketing plan that drives incredible results! The key is clarity: define your goals, know your audience, and focus on what will move the needle in the right direction for your business. By taking time to build an actionable strategy now, you’ll reap the reward of a streamlined, stress-free, and impactful marketing approach for years to come. 


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Picture of Melissa Gilbo & Amy Pocsik

Melissa Gilbo & Amy Pocsik

Co-founders of WBL